
往届生考护士的流程It depends on the school you are trying to attend. Generally speaking, you will need to fill out an application for the nursing program, provide official transcripts from all schools attended, and complete any entrance requirements set by the school. Additionally, you may need to show proof of prerequisite writing, math, and/or science classes. Most nursing schools also require applicants to take entrance exams such as the SAT, the Health Education Systems (HESI), or the National League for Nursing Pre-Admission Exam (NLN PAX). You may also be asked to complete and submit a personal statement, provide letters of reference or recommendation, and complete an in-person interview.
这取决于你想要就读的学校。一般来说,你需要填写护理专业的申请表,提供所有的学校的正式成绩单,完成学校设定的入学要求。此外,你可能还需要出示必修写作、数学和/或科学课程的证明。大多数护理学校也要求申请者参加入学考试,如 SAT、卫生教育系统(HESI)或国家护理联合会入学考试(NLN PAX)。你也可能被要求完成和提交个人陈述,提供推荐信,并完成面谈。