
咨询专业证书的含金量高低可以取决于它的学分制度、课程设置、课程难度以及它能给你带来的机会,比如在学习完本证书后可以增加的就业机会等等。比如,Thomson Reuters认证的商务英语证书有三层次:基础、必备和高级。每一层次都有不同课程和学分,最强的高级层次有240学分,这个证书含金量肯定会比基础层次的120学分要高。
To determine the worth of a professional certficate, it can depend on the credit system, course structure, difficulty level, and opportunities it can bring like increased employment chances once the certficate is achieved. For example, the Thomson Reuters Accredited Business English certificate has three tiers which are foundation, essential, and advanced. Each tier has a different amount of courses and credits with the highest tier, advanced, having a total of 240 credits – obviously being worth more than the foundation tier which has a total of 120 credits.