
时间:2023/11/8 19:06:56 编辑:福途教育 标签:高考

2023年【高考】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>






    一、折射自我 启迪他人

    《Be Yourself! 》

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

    I am here today to talk about the essential quality of individuality, and the significance of being yourself.

    Be versatile, citizens of the world.There are a million paths through the world. A million different ways of doing things, seeing things and learning things. So, instead of worrying about what you should do, simply do what you enjoy doing. Sure, not every opportunity you take may yield a desirable outcome, but at least you will have learned something new through the process of exploration.

    Try to live life with a dash of eccentricity and off-kilter perspectives. A little bit of creative weirdness and uniqueness goes a long way. Don’t be afraid to challenge convention. Break the mould if you feel like it.

    Being yourself means carrying out the things you always wanted to do, but never did because of peer pressure or what people might think. It is not easy to be yourself, since this involves moral challenge and resistance to mental manipulation, but it is worth it in the end.

    Be free. Every single one of us is unique and brings something special to the table. Be brave to express yourself in your own unique voice. If you’re confident and comfortable with who you are, and you’re willing to stand out, you’re already head and shoulders above the rest.

    True individuality and being yourself is something to be proud of and something that will guarantee you success and contentment in the long run. Because, at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that you are happy.

    Finally, let me end on a quote from the English poet, Alexander Pope, “Be content to be what you are, and prefer nothing to it.”

    Thank you for your kind attention.


    《Dreams 》

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

    I’m here today to talk to you about something that is beyond price, something that lights up our days—dreams.

    I believe everyone here has dreams. Sometimes we are so much consumed by the reality we live in that we forget the big dreams that used to light up our hearts. Later in life we regret not achieving the dreams we once had, which are sometimes more saddened by the passing of time.

    Let me tell you something, though, our dreams don’t have to be ones of material possessions. It could be passing down a tradition of language, or as grand as one day being a leader of a nation. Dreams come in all shapes and sizes, and no dream is too small or insignificant.

    Throughout history, it is those with dreams who have gone on to change the world. It is an unstoppable force within the minds of human beings, an ambition and dedication to move forward and make changes.

    Therefore, if you’re wanting to make a career for yourself, go for it. If you want to travel around the world, no one can stop you. Think of what you want, what makes you happy and pursue it. Don’t let anything stand in your way.

    To conclude, let me quote from the American author, Walt Disney. He said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

    Thank you for your attention.



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