本文解答了关于《take词组有哪些如何运用》相关内容,同时关于1、take词组有哪些如何运用英语翻译,2、take词组用法,3、take 词组,4、take词组常用英语词组,5、take 词组总结,的相关问答本篇文章福途教育网小编也整理了进来,希望对您有帮助。

1. Take after:模仿,仿照
例句:He takes after his father in many ways.
2. Take away:拿走,取走
例句:Please take this bag away.
3. Take back:拿回,收回
例句:He took back his promise.
4. Take off:脱下,起飞
例句:The plane took off a few minutes ago.
5. Take on:承担,招收
例句:We need someone to take on the extra duties.
6. Take up:从事,占据
例句:He took up painting recently.
7. Take in:理解,收留
例句:The old couple frequently take in homeless kids.
8. Take out:取出,外出
例句:Shall we take out for dinner tonight?