
1) 人无信不立
A person cannot stand without trust.
2) 成功源于勤奋
Success comes from diligence.
3) 穷则变,变则通
Make changes and be open to fresh ideas when times are hard.
4) 知识就是力量
Knowledge is power.
5) 三思而后行
Think twice before you act.
6) 机会总是留给有准备的人
Opportunity always favors the prepared.
7) 有志者事竟成
Where there is a will, there is a way.
8) 无风不起浪
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
9) 明天会更好
Tomorrow will be better.
10) 求知若饥,虚心若愚
Seek knowledge as you would food, humbly and earnestly.