
The world is full of suffering and death,ranging from the heartbreaking effects of poverty and famine to the devastation of war. We may marvel at the wonderful things that our species can accomplish,but there is also a dark side to human life. We may think of ourselves as relatively civilised compared to less developed species,but our capabilities are also the cause of suffering and death.
This leads us to two important questions: why is there suffering in the world,and how can we bring it to an end? The answer to the first question is complex,but it is undeniably related to the human capacity for selfishness and aggression. Our instinct for self-preservation can make it difficult to care for others,and our penchant for violence results in tragedy.
The second question is easier to answer;we can work together to create a better world. This involves caring for one another,valuing the lives of all people regardless of difference and foregoing our natural urges for selfishness and aggression. We can strive for justice,equality and peace in all our dealings.
These lofty goals would be difficult to achieve on our own,but together we can create a more just and peaceful world. With empathy,compassion and understanding,we can overcome the suffering that is all around us and create a brighter future.