
British 2 + 2 Undergraduate Study Class – SUSTech International Pre-School Course Table
科目/Subject 课程类型/Course Type 学分/Credits 针对/for 数学Mathematics 必修 Compulsory 16/20 所有学生All Students
英语 English 必修 Compulsory 15/20 所有学生 All Students
计算机科学 Computer Science 选修 Elective 5/10 有计算机专业知识背景的学生 Students with Computer Science Backgrounds
社会科学 Social Science 选修 Elective 5/10 所有学生 All Students
商务 Business 选修 Elective 5/10 所有学生 All Students
政治与国际关系 Politics & International Relations 选修 Elective 5/10 愿意学习政治和国际关系学科的学生 Students willing to study Politics & International Relations
数据分析 Data Analysis 选修 Elective 5/10 有数学和计算机知识背景的学生 Students with Mathematics and Computer Science Backgrounds
经济学 Economics 选修 Elective 5/10 愿意学习经济学的学生 Students willing to study Economics