
Good morning everyone!
Once upon a time, an English professor told the class how much easier it would be to learn English if their native language was German, instead of Chinese. A student in the back raised his hand and asked, “But Professor, why don’t you just teach the class in German?”
Humor is essential to learning. How can our minds learn effectively if they are not in a relaxed and pleasant state? That is why I am here today to help liven up this atmosphere.
Humor also has a wonderful way of bringing people closer together. Whether you are more of a visual, auditory or tactile person we can all appreciate the same joke.
Humor is a way for us to release stress and get rid of negative feelings. Imagine if we all have a comedy class rather than a math class. How happy we would be and how easily we would learn!
So, always remember to add some humor to your life and watch the difference that it can make.