
(1) 具有国际学校或中等教育领域的中文学历证书;
(2) IELTS 6.5分或以上的证明;
(3) 职业资历与工作的证明文件,如果有;
(4) 推荐信,如果有;
(5) 英文简历/社会学历,如果有;
(6) 中文表达论文,如果有;
(7) 在校期间获得的奖项,如果有;
(8) 其它国际资格证书,如果有;
(9) 其它个人见证文件,如书面作品,如果有。
2. Special Admission Requirements for International Students
(1) Passport and visa documentation;
(2) Evidence of English language competence at IELTS 6.5 or above, or from an accredited test provider;
(3) Academic qualifications;
(4) Evidence of work experience (if applicable);
(5) Evidence of previous study in the UK, if applicable;
(6) Evidence of relevant extra-curricular activities and any awards you have received; and
(7) A personal statement that outlines your commitment and motivation to undertake the course.