
1. A Brave Stray Dog
One night as I was walking home from work, I spotted a small dog lost in a nearby park. She was curled up under a tree, worn out from running away from anyone who tried to get close to her. I slowly walked up to her and she just stared at me, showing no sign of fear. I knelt down next to her and extended my hand for her to sniff. Without hesitation, she placed her head in my lap, relieved to have finally found comfort.
I scooped this brave stray dog up in my arms and took her home. I named her Courage, for she was brave enough to show courage even in her weakest moment. Today, Courage is an amazing part of my life and she reminds me there is always something to be brave about.
2. A Little Match Girl
On a cold and winter night, a little match girl was seen walking alone in the streets, clutching a bundle of matches she had to sell to make end’s meet. People passed her by, not paying her much attention, but no one knew the little girl was fighting a losing battle with poverty.
With no shelter to call home and no one to turn to, the little girl held onto hope and kept walking, though the frigid winter night. Hours went by, and eventually the little match girl found a church, the only place she could rest her head until morning. Miraculously, the little girl found a way to keep herself warm. The glow of the little flame from the matches she lit lit up the entire room.
The little match girl found refuge that night and eventually made it home, reminding us all to never give up against all odds.