
There is a consensus in the educational community that a comprehensive review of basic knowledge is essential in order to build a good foundation for further learning. Professors in universities and colleges nationwide emphasize the need to master the basic knowledge in order to prepare sufficiently for further studies and higher levels of learning. Therefore, a comprehensive review of the foundational knowledge is not only beneficial but also important.
One way to review basic knowledge is to read through school or college syllabi or to review previous notes in order to refresh content and refresh the memory. Furthermore, reading through a textbook can help recall information and facilitate the review of the material. Additionally, asking questions related to the material can help to better understand the subject. Practising problem sets and taking practice tests can also be used to measure one’s ability to remember and understand the material. Finally, one can meet with their peers to discuss the material in order to gain a better understanding.
In conclusion, a comprehensive review of basic knowledge is essential in order to build a good foundation for further learning. Various methods such as studying syllabi, reading textbooks, asking questions and taking tests can be used to review basic knowledge. Furthermore, discussing with peers can also help in the review process.