
South Korean high school students recently held an event in which they bowed on the ground during a snowy December morning to pray for their college entrance exam. This event was held in Ganga-dong, Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, in front of Gyeonggi Science High School on the 26th of December.
About 500 parents and students gathered to participate in this event, despite the cold winter weather. The students bowed three times in unison, and chanted prayer for divine intervention for their college entrance exam. It was said that this event began four years ago, with fewer than 10 students participating. This year, however, the event has grown significantly with the involvement of many students.
This event symbolizes the deep belief and values Koreans have in the college entrance exam, emphasizing how the scores can determine one’s destiny. In the past, students attending this event have lasted their prayers, and in many instances found success in their exams. This event has drawn nationwide attention to Gwacheon and more parents are requesting to take part in it.
韩国学生最近在降临的冬日雪景中,在高韩特别设立的高考前夕举行了祈祷活动。这一活动于12月26日在京畿道光州江洞(Gwacheon)位于京畿道科学高中(Gyeonggi Science High School)前举行。