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    第一部分 听力

    Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确答语

    ( )1. Can I use your pen?

    A. Sure, go ahead. B. No, you can’t.

    ( )2. It’s very kind of you.

    A. You’re welcome. B. No, I don’t.

    ( )3. Why don’t you take a rest?

    A. Yes, I’d like to. B. No, I’m OK.

    ( )4. Could you help me with my English?

    A. You’re very kind. B. I’d love to.

    ( )5. Have a good time!

    A. Thank you. B. Yes, I do.

    Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答句

    ( )6. Can I have something to drink?

    A. No, you can’t. B. Sure, what would you like?

    ( )7. What a beautiful picture!

    A. Not at all. B. Thank you.

    ( )8. Are you leaving now?

    A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do.

    ( )9. Can I see your ID card, please?

    A. Of course, here you are. B. Yes, please do.

    ( )10. Can I use your computer?

    A. I’m sorry, no. B. Yes, go ahead.

    Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案


    ( )11. What is the woman going to do?

    A. Buy a new computer. B. Repair her computer.

    C. Sell her old computer.

    ( )12. What does the woman think of the computer shop?

    A. It’s expensive. B. It’s easily accessible.

    C. It’s very popular.

    ( )13. What will the woman probably do next?

    A. Buy a new computer. B. Repair her computer.

    C. Ask for the computer shop’s website.


    ( )14. How many people will there be at the meeting?

    A. Five. B. Ten. C. Fifteen.

    ( )15. How long will they have the meeting?

    A. An hour. B. Half an hour. C. Twenty minutes.

    ( )16. What time will the meeting probably start?

    A. At 8:00 B. At 8:30 C. At 9:00

    Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案

    ( )17. What is the main idea of the passage?

    A. Free translation services on the Internet.

    B. A website that offers translation help.

    C. The benefits of using machine translation.

    ( )18. What can you get from the website?

    A. Detailed explanations of terms.

    B. Immediate translation of words.

    C. Professional help with a translation.

    ( )19. What kind of help can you get?

    A. Language-learning tips. B. Translation advice.

    C. Online translators.

    ( )20. What do they say at the end of the passage?

    A. Try it and you won’t be disappointed.

    B. Why not give it a try right now?

    C. Learning a language can be fun.

    第二部分 阅读理解

    Ⅰ. 阅读下列句子,根据句意从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项

    ( )21. When Professor Yang came to this school two years ago, he ______ a lot of talented students.

    A. recruited B. devoted C. dismissed

    ( )22. I am _______ in attending the lecture tonight because I know it’ll be very helpful for our study.

    A. brilliant B. excited C. disappointed

    ( )23. I used to treat him well, but he _______ me and didn’t seem to care about our friendship.

    A. neglected B. attacked C. disturbed

    ( )24. — Is the book expensive?

    — No, it’s not expensive. It’s ______.

    A. generous B. affordable C. considerable

    ( )25. This idea is too ________ to be put into practice.

    A. rare B. complex C. creative

    Ⅱ. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案

    As an international student studying in China, you are welcome to get involved in various activities.

    First of all, take part in school activities, such as singing competitions, sports meets and language exchanges. Joining in these activities can help you make new friends and understand Chinese culture better.

    Second, volunteer and participate in celebrations. There are many volunteering activities organized by schools and communities in cities all over China. If you have time and are interested, you could join in one.

    Besides, joining a club or organization related to culture, sports and technology, can help you understand more about the host country. It can also be a great way to develop your own abilities and abilities and make contacts with like-minded people.

    Ignorance of the culture by international students may cause situations which could be unpleasant or even embarrassing. Learn some simple Chinese words and phrases before your visit.

    Finally, show respect to local culture and customs. If you have an opportunity, visit local places of cultural importance.

    ( )26. As an international student, the text suggests that you should______.

    A. volunteer with your school B. show respect to the local people

    C. invite your new friends home D. travel to places of cultural importance

    ( )27. Which of the following activities is NOT mentioned in the text?

    A. A sports meeting. B. A language exchange.

    C. A singing contest. D. A movie night.

    ( )28. What would be the best title for the passage?

    A. Joining Activities in China B. The Development of International Students

    C. The Culture of International Students D. Advice for International Students in China

    ( )29. According to the text, which of the following is RIGHT?

    A. Ignorance of the culture may lead to unpleasant events.

    B. Joining a club related to culture, sports and technology can help you understand the host country better.

    C. One of the activities mentioned in the passage is a movie night.

    D. Showing respect to the local customs means inviting local people to your own home.

    ( )30. The main purpose of the text is to______.

    A. encourage international students to join activities in China.

    B. introduce some advice to international students in China.

    C. tell international students the importance of attending school activities.

    D. explain some information about cultural exchange between China and international students.

    Ⅲ. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)

    When I was in high school, my math teacher told me something that I always remember. He said, “You should always try your best and never be afraid of making mistakes.”

    Being able to make mistakes is one of the most important things for learning in life. We can’t be expected to get everything right every time. Making mistakes helps us to learn because we can see where we need to improve and make corrections.

    I believe this is true about all aspects of life, not just in school or college. Of course, it is important to make the effort to get it right the first time. But if you do make mistakes, don’t worry, because that’s part of the learning experience.

    The most difficult thing is to overcome the fear of failure. It is important to remember that learning from mistakes can bring progress and development. This will also bring more satisfaction and achievement in the long run.

    ( )31. According to the author, people should be afraid of making mistakes.

    ( )32. Making mistakes can help us to learn.

    ( )33. We should try to make mistakes in all aspects of life.

    ( )34. It can be difficult to overcome the fear of failure.

    ( )35. Learning from mistakes will bring progress and achievement.


    Ⅰ. 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A

    Ⅱ. 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B

    11. B 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. B

    Ⅲ. 17. B 18. B 19. B 20. B

    Ⅳ. 21. A 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. B

    Ⅴ. 31.F 32.T 33.F 34.T 35.T



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