
1. In a world full of uncertainty, one can never overestimate the importance of communication. 在这个不确定的世界里,我们绝不能低估沟通的重要性。
2. Faced with the complexity of the problem, we must take constructive measures to cope with it. 面对问题的复杂性,我们必须采取建设性的措施来应对它。
3. Through unremitting efforts, we believe that a bright future will be ours. 通过不懈的努力,我们相信,一个光明的未来将属于我们。
4. The changes, for now, are mostly for the better, bringing about profound implications. 目前,这些变化总体上是乐观的,它蕴含着深远的意义。
5. Risk-taking should be avoided as far as possible but it does have its merits and may bring about positive results. 尽可能地避免冒险,但它也确实有它的优点,可能带来积极的结果。
6. More often than not, attitude is just as important as ability in determining success. 更多的时候,态度和能力一样重要,它们都决定着成功。
7. It may be true that knowledge is power, but don’t forget the importance of putting ideas into practice. 知识确实是力量,但不要忘记将思想付诸实践的重要性。
8. “Better late than never” is a popular maxim reminding us of the importance of time. “迟做总比不做好”是一句流传至今的格言,它提醒我们时间的重要性。
9. The ultimate challenge is to confront the reality and accept it as part of life. 最终的挑战是面对现实,接受它作为生活的一部分。
10. Although life sometimes can be hard, don’t despair and don’t lose your momentum. 虽然生活有时可能很艰难,但不要绝望,不要失去势头。