
My Definition of Success
People used to define success as the financial status of a person. For many years, success has been judged with wealth in terms of income and material possessions. But now it means much more than that.
In my opinion, success can be measured with a positive mindset, a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of fulfillment. To be successful, you have to have a clear vision of what success signifies to you and you have to have the discipline, courage and patience to move towards achieving it. Achieving your goals or dreams is a sure sign of success and whether it is in the form of material possessions or financial success, it all comes down to the hard work and effort that you have invested.
Success also means having good physical and mental health. Finally, to me, success means being happy and contented with what you have in life. It’s about being able to help others, give back to the community, being at peace with yourself and having meaningful relationships. It’s about enjoying the small things in life, being able to give more than you receive and recognizing that success is an individual journey.
At the end of the day, success is relative, and it will look different for each and every one of us.