
Innovation and Development of Managerial Accounting Value Concept
Macro-economic regulation and financial supervision are the basis for promoting economic growth, improving life and promoting sustainable development. The managerial accounting value concept is a financial and management system which can help companies to better achieve financial growth and development. The managerial accounting value concept is considered to be the basis of improving the quality of corporate information. It organically integretes different management factors such as accounting, finance, operational management and strategic implementation, and analyzes and evaluates the management decisions and actions beneficial to the enterprise in a financial and economic way.
In order to achieve economic development of the managerial accounting value concept, many problems need to be solved, such as mixed performance calculations, managerial accounting technical models, expansion of energy efficiency indicators, and so on. Therefore, proposing innovative principles of the managerial accounting value concept is crucial to the development of financial information. In addition, further research on non-financial factors such as on-site production, environmental protection and employee welfare needs to be carried out, and complex data technologies need to be applied to determine financial factors and external factors affecting the quality and value of products.
In the process of deeply applying new technologies to the managerial accounting value concept, it is necessary to strengthen training, carry out professional group activities, establish a knowledge management system, advocate advanced managerial accounting practices to enhance the professional spirit, knowledge and skills of certified accountants. In addition, research on international accounting standards is also helpful in bettering play the role of managerial accounting to improve the financial management level of enterprises.
In the future, the main direction of the development of managerial accounting value concept is to use modern technologies, to shift from traceable management to sustainable management and to organically integrate, merge and coordinate financial information and non-financial information such as related accounting, managerial accounting and open accounting. The innovation and development of managerial accounting value concept will help enterprises to achieve financial development goals, and to establish and improve corporate governance system, thus gradually entering the late stage of financial development.