
拒绝“画饼”,回归务实,启动洞察的新旅程 —— 解决生产力距,实现卓有成效的改革
"No to empty talk and no to painting the pie." This phrase can be interpreted to mean that the government should refocus its energy on pragmatism and embark on a new journey dedicated to the uncovering of solutions for the productivity gap in order to bring about effective reform. Instead of simply talking about fixing the problem and reverting back to old habits, real progress is necessary and so a plan of action to implement tangible and achievable change should be enacted. This could include updating or refining existing policies and regulations, investing in industry-leading technology, providing better training to workers in order to promote industry fluency, and encouraging initiative and creative thinking to aid productivity. In order to bridge the gap between current and desired productivity levels, the government should also strive to build better relationships with domestic and foreign businesses in order to promote innovation. Ultimately, collective effort is necessary in order to ensure lasting positive transformation.