本文解答了关于《用不动产抵债的土地增值税计税依据》相关内容,同时关于1、以不动产抵债增值税,2、不动产抵债增值税政策依据,3、以不动产抵债需交哪些税,4、不动产抵偿债务 增值税,5、不动产抵债如何缴税,的相关问答本篇文章福途教育网小编也整理了进来,希望对您有帮助。

The basis for taxation of land appreciation tax for the use of real estate to offset debt is the appraised value of the land when it is subordinated. According to the relevant provisions of the tax law, the Current Market Value of land for taxation shall be determined as a basis for taxation. Therefore, the basis for taxation of land appreciation tax for the use of real estate to offset debt is the Current Market Value of land assessed by the taxation department.